42° North News

United Airlines Hemispheres Magazine
Check your seat back on your next flight with United Airlines to see our ad in Hemispheres magazine on page 39.

42 North Published in Inspired Outdoor Living Book
42 North is honored to have two recent projects featured in the Inspired Outdoor Living Book. Both the Endless View Shingle cottage and Crooked Lake

Michigan Links
Follow the link to see our ad on the back cover of Michigan Links Magazine. https://www.mydigitalpublication.com/publication/?i=786775

Great Lakes Story
With an abundance of windows, the home feels as though it’s one with nature, giving the Brennans a sense that they’re outdoors even when they’re

Great Lakes Story
When building a home from the ground up — especially on sandy, waterfront ground that has a tendency to shift and slide with the whims

Great Lakes Story
Design of the Crooked Lake home began to unfold, with Ryan La Haie as the Brennan’s new architect. The Brennans knew they wanted a modern