Welcome home to 42° North.

We’ve intentionally remained a small firm to offer our clients a customized service experience…bigger is not always better. We’re here to offer dedication, focus, and commitment to each project we undertake. Although our designs are flooded with detail, we’re the only full-service team who can get your design to the construction phase in just a few months. You won’t see the same cookie-cutter designs coming from 42° North. Every project brings a new challenge and we’ll lend authenticity to any style.
Your Home

Two key words for us are ‘accountability’ and ‘accessibility.’

Our clients and contractors can reach us any day of the week; we’re always a phone call away. We’d rather solve little problems before they become big delays.

It’s more important to us to build relationships than a plethora of homes.

Select 42° North at the start of your project and we’ll help find the best team – builder, interior designer, landscaper, and other professionals – for the best possible project outcome. By keeping our client base small, we’re able to manage every aspect of the project, from budget to execution.